Thursday, April 29, 2010

The coral forest trail is an adventure

On sunny autumn days, a trip into the wooded surroundings of Bergisch Gladbach is just right. All who would like themselves again embark on journey of discovery, EXPRESS recommends the coral forest trail.
Today we are announcing the route with all the sights. Bergisch Gladbach from downtown los it comes to the Geological Trail "In Schlade.
 Here are the remains of a lime kiln can be admired. Had not been invented when the cement, you had to break down calcium. In addition, you can see brick masonry walls of the old days. An old quarry is already a completely overgrown.
 If you put a closer look at the stones, we find small round inclusions: A coral. Where that comes from? Before 370 million years ago there was a much warmer climate than today.
Learn More
All About Coral Forest Trail
So was this long time ago here is a coral reef. Continue through a small forest and across fields. From here you can look up to Cologne. The path leads into the village Herrenstrunden Here lies the source of the springs the Strunde.
The Maltese and St. John, which gave the village its name, here founded the first mill to use the Strunde-water. Compared to the Catholic Church, the Commandery from the 13's Century have been preserved.
Also look beautiful castle doubt. Next, the Igeler mill is on the road. On GeoTrail limestone beds can be admired. In it, researchers have discovered a valuable fossilized fish from prehistory. The last one can at the Paper Museum "Old Dombach" make a stop.
 There are interesting facts to know about paper. After the many exciting impressions of the road leads back to the center of Bergisch Gladbach.

Friday, April 23, 2010

"Childminder shook our baby dead"

Munich - Three days and three nights have hoped Natalie (29) and Joseph (34) from Munich wept, prayed.
But her Christopher (14 months) did not make it - he died a cerebral death, caused by Shaken.
His nanny, in which the parents imagined their treasure in good hands, sits in custody, will be determined against them for injury or death.
It's Thursday, the 25th September. Four weeks since Christopher is on childminder Anja S. (34, name changed) - and it is the second day when he is there to nap. The day before the boy had spent two hours crying when he should sleep.
His mother, Natalie (29) had discussed with the childminder, therefore, Christopher pick if he was not calm down. "Clock against 14 they called me and said he would sleep," said Natalie on "tz".
But forty-five minutes later her cell phone rings again. "Christopher is a bad time," exclaims Anja S. into the handset. Natalie rushes to the house of the childminder. Christopher is in a room on the floor, the paramedics provided him. Christopher immediately comes to the children's hospital Harlaching - where Father Joseph waits. The doctors ask questions: "Is like the little one, down the stairs?" "We were stunned, our son was pumperlg'sund the morning," says his desperate father.
A CT scan shows intracranial bleeding, the baby is operated on, connected to a heart-lung machine. In vain - three days later, Christopher died in the arms of his parents. The police questioned Anja S. detail. "An officer called and said that the childminder has confessed. Twice they've shaken our boys, "the parents who have to bury her son six days after his death - in the cemetery 100 meters away from Anja S's house.
, Anja S., the two children of her own children and three days, was mediated by the youth. "We really wanted Christopher to accommodate a crèche. In eleven institutions, we have applied to us, but we had no emergency, "said Father Joseph:" Now our life is dark - our sunshine is gone. "
Also of interest
More about the Shaken

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Massive restructuring at Karstadt and Quelle

Food - The struggling commercial undTouristikkonzern Arcandor (Karstadt, Quelle, Thomas Cook) is needed for the rehabilitation of the Group in the coming five Jahrenweitere loans of up to 900 million euros.
Standing in the center of the restoration are the two daughters of fallen into lopsided trade Karstadt and Primondo (source). Even on weekends, the company had announced that the Nobel branches of his department store chain Karstadt and mail order Lädenseiner Source daughter stood up for consideration.
Then Monday was clear: Total 1500Quelle stores, 115 Source Technology Center, the Nobel undacht more Karstadt department stores include branches will no longer zumKerngeschäft. You will be spun off into a newly formed company called ATRYS. This is possible even happen in this fiscal year.
These Karstadt stores have branches Kiel Old Market, Hanau, Kaiserslautern, Hamburg Billstedt, Bottrop, Leipzig, Ludwigsburg and Munich at the cathedral, the Karstadt Sport store in Recklinghausen and the luxury department stores and KaDeWe in Berlin, Hamburg and Alsterhaus Oberpollinger in Munich.
Specific details on the future did not Arcandor. About a possible staff reductions among the 52,000 employees would not comment Arcandor chief Karl-Gerhard Eick.
In its department store business, the Group is planning a strategic U-turn. Instead of the previously advocated expansion of the luxury business is now offering in the midrange to be strengthened.
This concerns the 81 goods and 27 sports stores, which further in the future belong to the core. The profitable tourism subsidiary Thomas Cook remains unaffected by the restructuring at Arcandor.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"We are not cheaters"

"But you've surely a moment?" - Anyone who has run in the Christmas season through the inner cities of the Rhineland, is familiar with this issue.
Of the people with the solutions that have become almost part of the cityscape as the Christmas markets. But almost no one has time for their concerns: donations.
To shed light and clarify what the "Solution People want to" really, I was now a day with them on the street.
The thing for which there are the young people, mostly students, their legs in the stomach, is a pretty good one. It comes to charities such as CARE and World Wildlife Fund.
"Here, unfortunately, also begins the problem," says Micah (19), "The majority of that is continue to run immediately, once it is clear that it is about data and money."
For in times of sales data and banking crisis, everyone has very afraid. Nobody is willing to fill out a form with personal information.
"Would the people but take a little bit of time, they would realize quickly that we wish them no evil," said Daniel (16).
But "thanks" dubious contracts that are settled on the street, annoying and research organizations are also being advertised here, in a critical light.
"What we have to listen to sometimes is echt krass! Since include phrases such as "You fucked us from beginning to end yet," the harmless, "says Micah.
But what is that? Most organizations are rather unknown, although they are among the largest in the world. And no one dares things that he does not know. "Yet our organizations just make less advertising so that more money arrives where it is needed," said Josi (18).
For all donations will always know exactly what is done with the money. Unlike ordinary supermarket items
"But I have seen people who had a Nestle Ice Tea Or a miller milk in his hand, said that they will find donation is good, but they are afraid that their money is not used for its original purpose. So I really wonder whether the thinking at all, "said Laura (18).
Nevertheless, it is convinced the 18-year-old, destroy Nestle with its products to African market, while Mueller collected money even with the support of the NPD. If none of these things to ask. Is that fair?
My conclusion after a day with the bundlers: Give them the next time a moment of your time. Listening to them and let the entire time his prejudices prejudices. After doing an honest good will always be trendy!

Monday, April 5, 2010

TV chef revealed his love of mystery lights

Hamburg - Shortly before his wedding, has aired television chef Horst Lichter (47) on a secret:
His future wife NadaSosinka (37) was the partner of a dead friend. "I have ihneinst coupled with Nada. Denbeiden That was a really great love between. At that time I felt nothing for Nada. Starbmein Then a friend with cancer," said Lichter of the journal "The New".
Eshab then one years elapsed before her feelings for einanderentwickelten.
"We had an eye for the sufferings of others Dasverbindet.. At first no thought that we verliebenkönnten. I had to fight a long time, until we bekennendurften open to the fact that we belong together."
Meanwhile, they were eleven Jahrezusammen. Lights is the television audience, including through dieZDF broadcasts "Lafer, Lichter, Lecker!" (along with star chef Johann Lafer) and "The Küchenschlacht known.